The selection of the right dental crown for dental restoration plays an important role in getting a natural-looking smile and achieving the desired oral health. A good dental crown must improve the function and appearance of a person’s decayed or damaged tooth while lasting for a long period of time.

The two most popular dental crown options recommended by dentists include porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns and zirconia crowns. Each type of dental crown has its unique pros, cons, and characteristics. We will be discussing the various differences between PFM and zirconia crowns in this article to help you make an informed decision about which crown to choose.

Lifeberries Health+ Dental Clinic is the best dental clinic in Pune offering all types of dental crowns at an affordable cost to achieve the perfect smile.

What is a PFM Crown?

A porcelain-fused-to-metal or PFM crown is a dental restoration with a metal substructure covered by a layer of tooth-colored porcelain. This combination of materials helps provide strength and aesthetics to dental restoration.

When to Use PFM Crowns

A PFM crown is generally recommended in the following cases:

  • For restoration of posterior (back) teeth where the force of chewing is significant
  • For esthetic, strong, and affordable tooth restorations
  • In teeth needing complete coverage due to fractures, extensive decay, or the presence of large fillings or restorations
  • To offer additional protection to root canal-treated tooth
  • Replacement of a missing tooth in a dental bridge
  • Cost-effective alternative to zirconia or all-ceramic crown

Pros of PFM Crowns

The advantages of PFM crowns are as follows:

  • Natural looking
  • Good strength
  • Good longevity and durability
  • Cost-effective

Cons of PFM Crowns

The disadvantages of PFM crowns include the following:

  • Visibility of metal at the gum line
  • Possible allergic reaction to metal used in PFM crown, especially nickel
  • Chipping and breaking of the outer ceramic portion over time due to biting forces, making the metal below visible
  • Need for substantial tooth reduction to allow crown placement

What is a Zirconia Crown?

A zirconia crown is a dental restoration made from zirconium dioxide, which is a strong and durable ceramic material known for its natural tooth-like appearance and biocompatibility. The crown is also referred to as an all-ceramic crown.

A zirconia crown is extremely aesthetic and mimics the natural appearance of the tooth’s enamel (outer surface of the tooth) more than any other dental crown. It is also extremely strong and durable.

When to Use Zirconia Crowns

A zirconia crown is generally recommended in the following cases:

  • Restoration of anterior or front teeth where aesthetics is a prime concern
  • Patients allergic to metal
  • Root canal-treated teeth
  • Full coverage restoration in severely damaged or decayed teeth, or teeth with large restorations
  • Fabrication of bridges and implants, where strength and longevity are important
  • Bruxism and clenching cases
  • Cost is not a concern

Pros of Zirconia Crowns

The various advantages of a zirconia crown are as follows:

  • Highly resistant to fractures and chipping
  • Extremely aesthetic
  • High strength
  • Good durability and longevity
  • Biocompatible with oral tissues
  • Reduced risk of allergic reactions
  • Stain resistant

Cons of Zirconia Crowns

The disadvantages of a zirconia crown include the following:

  • Expensive
  • Damage to opposing tooth due to bite or friction

What is the Difference Between PFM and Zirconia Crowns?

Although both PFM crowns and zirconia crowns are popular choices as dental crown restoration materials, there are some noticeable differences between the two, which include the following:

  • Strength: A zirconia crown is almost three times stronger than a PFM crown. A zirconia crown is known to last longer through the forces of chewing and biting, even though the PFM crown is also well-known for its strength.
  • Aesthetics: A zirconia crown is more natural-looking compared to a PFM crown. Additionally, the metal is visible at the gum line in the case of a PFM crown.
  • Biocompatibility: A zirconia crown is more biocompatible compared to a PFM crown and has a much lesser risk of allergic or toxic reactions compared to a PFM crown.
  • Durability: Although a PFM crown has good durability, a zirconia crown is even more durable than a PFM crown.
  • Cost: A zirconia crown is more expensive compared to a PFM crown.

Which is Better, PFM or Zirconia Crowns?

Both PFM and zirconia crowns have their own set of pros and cons. Although zirconia crowns are more aesthetic, strong, and durable compared to PFM crowns, both types of crowns are commonly offered at Lifeberries Health+ Dental Clinic with excellent long-term results and patient satisfaction rates. 

Making a choice between the two types of crowns will depend on the patient’s preference, cost factors, and other factors, like:

  • Location of the tooth needing restoration: In cases of front teeth needing high aesthetic value, zirconia crowns are usually preferred due to their natural appearance and excellent translucency. 

PFM crowns are a more suitable choice for posterior teeth where durability and strength are prioritized.

  • Patient’s concerns and aesthetic preference: Zirconia crowns closely mimic the natural appearance of the tooth and is the preferred choice for patients looking for a flawless and aesthetic smile. 

PFM crowns are preferred by patients who are looking for affordable and acceptable aesthetics, especially when restoring posterior teeth, where the appearance of metal at the gum margin is not much of a concern.

  • Durability and long-term expectations: Zirconia crowns have excellent resistance to fractures and chipping, making them extremely durable over time.

Although PFM crowns are also known to have good longevity, the need for occasional repairs should be considered when opting for PFM crowns.

  • Budget: Financial factors play an important role in influencing crown selection. PFM crowns are usually more affordable compared to zirconia crowns, making them a preferred choice for patients with budget constraints.

PFM vs. Zirconia Cost

There is a significant difference in the cost of PFM vs zirconia crown. The average cost of a PFM crown in Pune is between INR 3,000 to INR 5,000, whereas the average cost of a zirconia crown in Pune is between INR 10,000 to INR 25,000. 

The cost of dental crown will vary depending on many factors, like:

  • Experience and credentials of the dentist
  • Location of the dental clinic
  • Dental laboratory charges
  • Cost of procedures done before crown placement
  • Type of dental crown chosen


Regardless of whether you opt for a PFM or zirconia crown for your tooth restoration, you are likely to receive long-lasting results with a strong and durable dental crown. Still, zirconia crowns have several benefits over PFM crowns and are a preferred choice for patients with no budget constraints.

For the best dental crown restorations and optimal treatment results, you can contact our expert dentists at Lifeberries Health+ Dental Clinic today!

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